Training and capacity building of the players is an activity in its own right in the development of a sanitation service. Developing a sanitation service is not just about building infrastructure. In addition, for the sustainability and sustainability of sanitation services in developing countries, it is necessary to have players with the right level of skills and competence. Thus, we offer training for the various actors of onsite sanitation to enable them and ensure the proper functioning and development of sanitation services along the value chain.
We offer training and capacity building in the following areas:
- Planning and Design of Sanitation Systems and Technologies
- Introduction to Fecal Sludge Management (FSM)
- Design and construction of onsite sanitation works
- Operation and maintenance of Fecal Sludge Treatment Stations (FSTP)
- Introduction to the SFD (a.k.a. Shit Flow Diagram)
- Introduction to the Fecal Sludge Management (FSM) Tool Box
- Environmental and social impact studies
- Environmental management in major projects
- Environmental consideration in tenders
- Environmental audit
- Standards in sanitation: With its expertise in sanitation, Delvic participates in the technical committees of the International Standards Organization (ISO) – for the definition of international standards in sanitation, and actively contributes to their development and publication.
These international sanitation standards are as follows.
ISO / TC 275 standard for recovery, recycling, treatment and disposal of sludge
ISO 24521: 2016 standard for on-site management of basic domestic wastewater services
ISO 30500: 2018 standard for onsite sanitation systems – toilet, pit
ISO / CD 31800: 2020 standard for the treatment of fecal sludge
These courses are flexible according to your needs. Go to the Contact Us section to let us know of your needs, view our training offers, or request a customized training offer.